Month: September 2019

September Mixer

Come meet game developers in the San Diego community. This month we will be out front on the patio at BJs in Mission Valley! This event is open to anyone: we welcome students, hobbyists, full time devs, or anyone who wants to hang out and chat! This mixer is a fundraiser, any food you buy helps support the chapter.…
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San Diego Game Jam 2019

San Diego Game Jam 2019 Recap

  Games, results, and judging feedback can be found on the jam page.   Winners   Grand prize 1st: Crayon Face 2nd: Run Spot Run Judges choice 1st: Crayon Face 2nd: Run Spot Run Best Art 1st: Crayon Face 2nd: Run Spot Run Best Sound 1st: Crayon Face 2nd: SlingshOz Best Writing 1st: Run Spot…
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