Month: May 2021

IGDA Pitch Ideation Workshop

Join us for the second event in our Pitch Ideation series, the Pitch Ideation Workshop! Learn how to pitch game ideas with Nate Ross and Rachel Runa! Have you ever had a great idea for a game, but weren’t sure how to take the next step towards making it a reality? It all starts with…
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Site Downtime Restored

Our site is back! One of our site admins had their hosting credentials hacked and the site was deleted! After some hunting for the last back up and some password changes, the site is up and running again. Social Media Facebook – Discord – Twitter – Twitch –

May Virtual Mixer

Mark your calendars for our Monthly Virtual Mixer next week! Come hang out and chat with game devs from our local community! Zoom link will be provide in Eventbrite or Discord! Eventbrite – Wed, May 19th, 7-9pm PST