Game Art Portfolio Review

Looking to level up your art? Join us February 24th from 6-9 for one-on-one portfolio reviews with industry professionals.
Even if you only have only one piece to show, that’s enough to get some advice, but please remember time will be limited so show your best work first.
So get those pens/pencils/cursors/styluses moving!
- 6-7pm: First-come-first-serve sign up
- 7pm: Round table “speed network” with a variety of professionals and your peers. Talk with each person for about 15 mins.
Please RSVP if interested so we know how many people to expect. RSVP does not guarantee a timeslot, review times are first-come-first-serve onsite at the event.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Hosted by and the San Diego Innovation Center
Time: Monday February 24th, 6:00PM – 9:00PM
Place: The San Diego Innovation Center
Address: 7310 Miramar Rd, San Diego, California 92126
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