Author: Andrew

IGDA San Diego Global Game Jam

Global Game Jam: San Diego!

2020 Global Game Jam at The San Diego Innovation Center Sponsored by and The San Diego Innovation Center Join IGDA San Diego for Global Game Jam 2020 at the San Diego Innovation Center!  This event is open to jammers of all skill levels and disciplines.  Come have fun, meet new people, and make awesome games as part of the…
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Bring Out Your Devs! Developer Spotlight: Patrick Traynor

Bring Out Your Devs! Developer Spotlight: Patrick Traynor   We have awesome developers in our community, so we are starting a new blog series called Bring Out Your Devs! Out first developer is Patrick Traynor. He is currently making Patrick’s Parabox, an amazing mind-bending puzzler. It won Developer’s Choice at IndieCade 2019! Here’s our interview…
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San Diego Game Jam 2019

San Diego Game Jam 2019

Do you have what it takes to make a great game? Enter the 2019 San Diego Game Jam and compete against local game developers to make the best game in just 1 weekend! Sponsored by, Jam City, and the San Diego Innovation Center Time: July 26th, 6:00PM – July 28, 9:00PM Place: The San Diego…
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